Posted 11.27.2022 by Tomori Uriel

How to Become a Successful B2B Brand on Twitter

Find out how to generate leads, create a community, engage and monitor competitors, and increase brand awareness on Twitter for B2B.🚀

Be honest — which Twitter camp do you fall into?

You have a love/hate relationship with it and spend significant time there — consuming, creating, or both.
You don’t get it, and maybe actively avoid it; this late in the game, why master it?

One thing is certain in either camp: You can’t ignore it.

In B2B, LinkedIn is the golden child for social media strategy. But have you ever wondered why 82% of B2B marketers use Twitter?

The platform offers opportunities to connect with B2B buyers and achieve any marketing goal.

But Twitter is different. It’s unforgiving and has unique features apart from other major social networks. As a result, knowing the features, how to use them, the trends to jump on, and what audience to engage with can get confusing.

Once you understand the platform, Twitter can significantly boost your social media presence. It can also create demand for your product, increase your share of voice, and acquire new leads for your sales team. That is why intelligent social media marketers use Twitter to connect with potential customers. It is the second most popular social media platform among B2B marketers.

In this guide, you’ll find (nearly) everything you need to become a successful B2B brand on Twitter in 2023.

Tips for Implementing a Successful Twitter Strategy For B2B Brands

Twitter offers B2B companies the opportunity to generate leads, create a community, engage and understand ideal clients, monitor competitors, and increase brand awareness.

But marketing on Twitter for B2B is unique. The platform has several features, and they continuously evolve. Like other digital technology, for end-users, changes to the platform can occur overnight.

And with new ownership on the horizon (as of this writing), B2B marketing on Twitter may soon have a new look.

Staying on top of those changes means creating a comprehensive strategy that outdoes your competitors. And that’s what we’ll cover in this guide.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you:

  1. Best practices to use on Twitter in 2023
  2. Examples of B2B brands with successful marketing approaches — ones that you can apply to your own marketing campaigns
  3. The Top 10 Twitter Dos and Don’ts to follow to become a successful B2B brand
  4. The best tools that can scale your Twitter marketing efforts.

Now, let’s get to it!

1. Determine your brand persona and focus

The first step in your Twitter marketing journey is deciding how to position your B2B on Twitter — without consistently relying on dry, robotic tweets that no one wants to see.

Many users love Twitter because they can bounce between comedic relief, learning, and networking.

And the same applies to your B2B brand. So you must have a brand persona that you’ll stick with on Twitter. It will influence how you interact with your prospects and clients and what or how you tweet. Your preferred brand persona will also determine the trends you jump on.

Some B2B companies have different brand personalities across all their social media accounts. This also influences their focus.

For example, Shopify’s presence on Twitter is completely different from its LinkedIn presence. Shopify is employee-focused on LinkedIn. They showcase people across the organization and celebrate culture, launches, and milestones.

On Twitter, they take an SMB customer-focused, playful, engagement-baiting approach, taking a more human (and not automated) approach to their B2B marketing. From their bio, tweets, and interactions, you can see they’ve chosen to be funny, creative, and trendy on Twitter. But their approach doesn’t take away from their credibility or competence because they’re still focused on sharing helpful tips and content.

StackOverflow and Adobe are other examples of B2B brands with a similar presence and focus on Twitter.

Never underestimate the power of personality when establishing uniqueness on Twitter. Find the strategy that best suits your brand and aligns with your business goals.

Knowing your audience is crucial for adopting the right tone — personal, exclusive, witty, sophisticated — or even casual. Just be careful not to cross any lines that can cause you to lose followers.

2. Have a goal

Marketers that set goals are 376% more likely to report success.

Your goals should identify what you want to get from your efforts on Twitter.

Regardless of the platform, you should always approach your social media marketing efforts with a strategy. So whether you want to use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Twitter, you need a plan.

It’s essential to understand how your chosen network works, its opportunities, and how they fit into your social media strategy.

Twitter offers brands the opportunity to:

  1. Build a community with a target audience
  2. Generate increased leads by directing traffic to an offer
  3. Build an engaged audience to boost brand visibility
  4. Get more connections by working with industry leaders and influencers
  5. Direct traffic to blog content directly from the platform

… and more.

Twitter is packed to the brim with opportunities to scale your B2B social media marketing. What you choose will help you shape your content, your interaction with prospects, and the type of paid ads you run.

Once you’ve identified your objectives, plan how often you want to evaluate and measure progress. You can schedule time monthly or bi-monthly. Doing this helps you see what you’re doing right and what needs improvement.

3. Be “always-on” to get the most out of the channel

The appearance of being online and active 24/7 gives your audience the impression that you’re readily available whenever they need you.

An always-on approach also exposes your brand messaging to your audience multiple times throughout the day. And internal research by Twitter shows that B2B audiences are more inclined to interact with your brand after repeated exposure to your brand’s content. For example, a prospect is 335% more likely to click a link in your tweet if they’ve seen your brand’s content at least four times.

Your always-on approach can work hand-in-hand with paid advertising. B2B on Twitter can use precise location targeting to bridge the online/offline dilemma. Even though Twitter is more beneficial to an online audience, location-based ads will give you offline benefits that will let you target a smaller but more qualified audience with relevant ads, which can be especially helpful if your CTA is for them to visit your page.

If you want to increase your social media presence, a scheduling tool can also help you “stay online” around the clock.

Understand your audience and find the ideal time to post. (If you’re online by 6 am on a Friday, that doesn’t mean your audience is too.)

And don’t schedule multiple tweets to be published simultaneously. It immediately shows the posts are automated, and no one wants that.

4. The comment is the content

Twitter is a platform for asking and receiving. That’s because Twitter’s comment section is one of the fastest available feedback mechanisms. You can see your audience’s thoughts, ideas, and complaints under any of your posts in just minutes.

This makes it easy to find content-worthy ideas to publish. Once you see what your audience struggles with, you can create useful content— for example, you could create an FAQ on your blog, and, more importantly, a helpful tweet on your Twitter page.

You can also start a thread or host a Twitter Space to discuss a specific issue. You can always refer your audience to the thread at a later date, or pin it at the top of your account.

If you’ve got competition, perusing their comment section can also give you content for your Twitter page.

You’ll readily find useful customer info because customer service questions are posted on Twitter. You’ll find it under comments if it’s not in a DM.

5. Use Twitter’s paid advertising

Paid advertising will get you more results in less time. Whether you generate more leads, increase brand awareness, boost engagements, or create communities, you will achieve your goal faster with paid ads.

That’s because paid advertising is Twitter’s primary source of income.

So while organic activities like regular posts, an always-on approach, and engaging users are essential, they’ll take a backseat to B2B marketers that are ready to pay to be seen.

Twitter has different types of ads that B2B brands can leverage. It all depends on what your goals are. For example:

  •  Promoted Ads help you increase the reach of your tweets to a specific audience. Twitter’s promoted ads take different forms, such as Image Ads, Carousel Ads, Video Ads, Moment Ads, and Text Ads.
  • Follower Ads are essential if your goal is to increase your audience. Follower Ads increase brand visibility and awareness by promoting your account to a targeted audience. Your account will be promoted to prospects more likely to be interested in your services.
  • Twitter Takeover: Imagine a point in time when you’re taking over the conversation in your industry. That’d be great, right? You can pay to make that happen. Twitter Takeover ads are premium and wider-reach ads that help you take over Twitter’s Timeline and Explore tabs. Your brand’s ads will be placed on the timeline, on the “Who to Follow” list, and next to trends in the Trend table. This will help you drive more results across the funnel.
  • Twitter Amplify: If you’ve watched a video on YouTube, you know how Twitter Amplify works. With Twitter Amplify, you can align your ads with premium video content from relevant influencers in your industry.
  • Twitter Live: Twitter Live allows brands to make the most of their best Livestream content while driving conversations with their target audience.

Twitter ad targeting is super precise, meaning you can rest assured you’re reaching your preferred audience.

You can also target the followers of a particular account.

Pro Tip: Targeting followers of a specific account means you can “poach” your competitors’ followers.

In terms of cost, thankfully, Twitter has the lowest ad costs of the major social media platforms. So it won’t hurt your budget.

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How to Create a B2B Social Media Strategy: The 2024 Guide

6. Create an employee advocacy strategy

Employee advocacy humanizes your brand because it gives your brand a face. This can build trust and credibility with your clients and foster committed employees. (With employee advocacy, your employees post content from their individual company accounts to promote your brand.)

Regardless of your marketing goals, you can’t go wrong with an employee advocacy strategy on Twitter.

But don’t just take our word for it. Following are some ways an effective employee advocacy strategy can help you achieve your marketing goals:

  • Brand Awareness and Reach – Employee advocacy can boost your reach because brand messages shared across multiple accounts will get what you want to share in front of a larger audience. On top of that, brand messages shared by employees get 561% more reach than the same messages shared using the brand’s official social media channel (PostBeyond).
  • Conversions and Revenue: Leads generated through your employees’ social media have 700% more conversion frequency.
  • Engagements: Employee posts have 800% more engagements than a brand’s official social media account — for the same posts.
  • Marketing: Employee shares have double the click-through rate of corporate shares.
  • Recruitment: With employee advocacy, you have a 58% chance of attracting talent and a 20% chance of retaining top talent.

Examples of B2B brands that are crushing it with employee advocacy are AT&T (#attemployee), statistical software suite company SAS Software (@SASsoftware), and IBM (@IBM), among many others.

The best bit about employee advocacy is that it doesn’t cost anything to implement.

Pro Tip: Before asking your employees to tweet about your brand using their personal accounts, conduct orientation on basic B2B social media ethics and company policy.

7. Repurpose user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is similar to using an employee advocacy strategy. But in the case of UGC, you’re getting your happiest clients to preach about your brand and products.

UGC can significantly boost your Twitter engagement (28% more engagement, in fact) while helping you save time and reducing content creation costs.

Because consistency is essential, repurposing UGC offers additional content you can use for your Twitter account.

And there’s proof that UGC works. Lots of it.  For instance, your clients are 50% more likely to trust content created by other clients than any different marketing tactic.

Adobe (#Adobe_CreateJoy) and Apple (#ShotonIphone) are examples of brands that use UGC on Twitter well. These brands simply ask users to use a hashtag while sharing content created using their products. Then, it’s shared on their company pages.

You can repurpose UGC in the form of blog posts, share the posts to your other social media platforms, and retweet/quote the content directly on Twitter. This will help you publish more content on your brand’s page and increase engagement. You’ll also increase brand awareness and reach because audiences will see your brand. And because 93% of consumers say they look to UGC before making buying decisions, you can look forward to substantial conversion rates.

So regardless of your Twitter B2B marketing goals, there are benefits to repurposing user-generated content.

8. Leverage the influence of company executives

Company executives can also tweet and influence conversations on Twitter about their brands. Rather than waiting for the media or others with personal agendas to define their public image, CEOs can leverage Twitter to help shape their image and their company’s public image. And the more significant presence on Twitter can increase brand loyalty, boost awareness of brand messaging, and lead to increased conversions.

A study by BRANDfog shows that company executives’ presence on social media breeds greater trust and brand loyalty because their audience gets to see and interact with the people who make decisions. This humanizes the brand and makes decision-makers appear reachable.

When given a choice between a brand executive with prominent social media activity whose messaging is consistent and another brand executive who isn’t, customers will almost always choose the brand they are more familiar with.

Your company executives’ level of involvement will also be crucial during a crisis. For instance, the effort will ring hollow if your company executives tweet for the first time or sparingly during a crisis. But it’s more likely to appear genuine if they’ve used Twitter steadily.

Some examples of CEOs and company executives crushing it on Twitter include General Motors CEO Mary Barra, Box CEO Aaron Levie, and FirstParty CoFounder DanielleMorrill. They use their accounts to share helpful information about their brands, provide updates, and engage clients. More importantly, these executives use their voices on Twitter to position themselves as leaders in their industries. And by running Twitter Spaces, CEOs and company executives can develop personal relationships with clients and prospects, influence conversations in the industry, and answer questions.

A study by BRANDFog showed that 81% of those surveyed believe company leaders who engage clients on social media are better equipped to lead.

9. Hire a social media manager or agency that loves and understands Twitter

When you choose to use Twitter for your B2B marketing , hiring a manager to handle your social media marketing doesn’t simply mean they’ll perform the basics, like occasionally posting content and liking and retweeting.

Managing a B2B brand’s Twitter account entails nurturing and growing the brand’s community. Twitter’s Retweets, likes, comments, quoted tweets, Spaces, hashtag usage, and follows let your B2B company establish its identity and engage with the right customers, partners, and prospects.

So you need to hire someone who loves the platform and uses it consistently. The person (or agency) you hire must understand your brand’s social media persona and goals and strive to develop a content strategy that works.

They’ll handle small but essential details like the type of hashtags to use (practical or comical), voice and tone, use of slang, and when to jump on trends, among others.

The small details are super important with only 280 characters to work with. They’re what give tweets their personality and keep tweets from seeming corporate or scripted.

A Twitter-savvy social media manager will also help you keep track of the trends in your industry, create brand messages in line with your company’s identity and persona, identify your target audience, and create content they will enjoy.

Another thing to consider is that when hiring an agency or Twitter manager, you must ensure you set KPIs that align with your social media goals.

Another crucial thing a social media manager offers is a high and steady volume of posts. No one will notice your messages if you only publish once a day. Increasing the frequency of your posts gives you more possibilities to be heard under different conditions and in response to emerging trends or headlines throughout the day.

Hiring an individual or an agency to manage your Twitter account will provide you with a more consistent, relevant, and interactive social media presence while also letting you focus on your business’s day-to-day operations.

How to Write Great Tweets

Twitter lets you have conversations with your audience every day on Twitter and put out tweets that can help them.

But of course, someone has to read the tweets.

Twitter is built for quick sifting through tweets on the platform’s timeline, making it all the more vital to write tweets that will draw and retain people’s attention.

Following are some tips for writing powerful B2B marketing tweets that convert:

1. Be specific

Twitter’s character limits mean concise writing is required. So no matter what you want to share, get right to the point. Twitter gives you 280 characters per post, which is a straightforward indicator not to beat around the bush. This can strengthen your communication. Making your tweets specific will generate more engagements, and your audience will be more likely to obey your CTA.

Your clients and prospects scroll through mind-blurring amounts of information on their Twitter feeds (and feeds on other social media platforms). Therefore, precisely written tweets directed toward and helpful to your audience are critical.

It bears repeating: If your tweets are not specific, they will get lost in the sea of information on Twitter. Your content may be helpful, but it must be concise and straightforward, so your audience sees it.

As an example of how to write up valuable content, here’s a lengthy thread from HubSpot that was made easier to read with an ultra-specific introduction and equally focused tweets:

2. Use active verbs

Active verbs help you communicate your message in fun, energetic ways. Using an active voice with active verbs makes your brand messaging appear strong, assertive, and trustworthy.

Active verbs can put the most critical parts of your tweets into focus — and impact the influence of your CTA.

3. Keep it short

Twitter limits characters in all user tweets to 280. But if you can make your tweet shorter still and effectively communicate the message, go for it. Remember that social media platforms built for scrolling mean people aren’t likely to stop reading a large block of text.

Tweets that are 100 characters (including hashtags) and below have proven more effective, so usually consider substituting long text with images or videos. (MailChimp is an example of a brand that effectively infuses both media and text.)

On the subject of hashtags, it’s worth noting that while hashtags are important, keeping them short and relevant also matters. Avoid using more than two hashtags per tweet. (Tweets with one hashtag are 69% more likely to be retweeted than those with two or more.)

Need examples? Say you’re engaging in the conversations that happen on special occasions, like #ValentinesDay or #WomensHistoryMonth.

Whatever your goals are when you’re using Twitter, just keep the tweet short and straightforward.

4. Use statistics and numbers

Numbers are generally good in marketing copy. But they’re even better for tweets — because they make your tweet more specific.

Consider titles like “Learn How to Boost Your Website Traffic Below” or “Learn 5 Proven Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic by 50%.”

The second is highly specific because it offers readers various ways to increase website traffic and precise results.

Here’s an example from Neil Patel:

The headline announces there are clear, practical steps people can take to convert web traffic into sales.

Pro Tip: When you create headers like these, use figures instead of spelling out the number — they stand out more.

And as a perk, numbers take up fewer characters, making your tweet easier to read.

Additionally, consider including statistics in your tweets. Statistics give the impression of certainty. They also highlight the importance of what you’re sharing.

Here’s an example from LinkedIn Marketing:

5. Create polls and ask questions

Twitter polls are a creative way to interact with your audience and an effective way to get answers to a specific question, or hear your audience’s opinions. Getting immediate feedback from your followers can help you develop a campaign strategy.

HubSpot is an example of a B2B brand that regularly uses Twitter polls and questions, and each has a specific goal. For instance:

To gauge their audience’s opinion and post blog content:

To let their audience know they’re listening:

To interact with the marketers in their audience:

And from Adobe, here’s another witty but important poll example:

Polls and questions go hand in hand (because most polls have questions), but there is nothing wrong with simply asking a question. Asking questions will help you boost engagements and learn what your clients think about a topic. (Remember, as we said earlier, the comment section is the content!)

Here’s an example question from Microsoft:

HubSpot, Salesforce, and Adobe, among other B2B brands on Twitter, ask tons of questions on their timelines to generate engagements. In the case of Adobe, it’s sometimes not all about learning something. They also ask funny and relatable questions just to get their audience involved.

Here’s an example that generated more than 100 responses:

Sometimes, the answers to your question might be obvious. But that makes engagement more likely, too.

Asking questions is a form of a call to action because the goal is to generate engagement by getting your audience involved. CTAs are a must-have, as discussed in the next section.

6. Include a call to action

It’s important to include calls to action (CTAs) in your social media content. CTAs give you innovative content that makes your tweets’ effectiveness more measurable. When appropriate, let your audience know that you expect them to take action. This is a great way to boost engagements with your posts.

CTAs can come in different forms. Your CTA could be “read more” as you link to a helpful blog on your website or “watch here” with a video included. A CTA could also ask for a retweet or your audience to share their thoughts on an issue.

Here’s an example from Adobe:

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How To Build and Grow A B2B Community On Social Media

Examples of Successful Campaigns on Twitter

Here are some examples of successful Twitter marketing campaigns from B2B brands you can draw inspiration from:


Not many brands introduce new products better than Intel. There’s a lot to learn from their product marketing approach. For example, B2B brands can find inspiration in Intel’s hashtag usage. There’s always a hashtag for each of their product launches and campaigns. Virtually all of their posts have one relevant hashtag that allows them to increase engagements, appear in Trends, and boost product awareness.

Some examples of their successful hashtag campaigns are #IntelON, #IntelCore, and #IntelEvo.


Cisco uses lots of visual content to create engagement and drive traffic to their website and content. You’ll almost always find a link to a blog in many of the brand’s tweets.

And the videos they use to generate interest are usually 10-15 second, ultra-specific snippets. Those snippets are usually accompanied by a straightforward tweet with a link, so the audience knows exactly what they’ll see when they click.

Here are some examples:

Introducing the controller at #MSI2022:

Driving traffic to their website for info on data privacy:


Adobe maintains a fun and creative brand persona on Twitter. At the same time, their position and voice as a thought leader are unquestionable.

Their Twitter activities include CTAs, polls, questions, replying to comments, jumping on trends, and using hashtags effectively.

They’re particularly great with CTAs, and you’ll find words and phrases like “Learn,” “Find out,” “Click,” and “Watch,” among many others.

Take a look at some of their CTA examples from different Twitter campaigns below:


Find out:

Click to download:


Oracle uses Twitter to inform its audience of new products, events, news, and more. They partnered with the English Premier League for one of their most successful Twitter campaigns. The campaign features plenty of hashtags and great visuals.

Here is one example:

As a cloud infrastructure provider, they use “cloud” as a hashtag in most of their campaigns, product launches, and content.

This helps them dominate conversations related to cloud computing and database systems.

Top Features on Twitter

Here are some top features on Twitter that brands can leverage to achieve their B2B social media marketing goals (without a ton of effort):

1. Pin critical tweets

Pinning tweets is one of Twitter’s most important features, yet it’s one that’s often ignored.

A pinned tweet appears at the top of your profile. When they check out your page, it is the first tweet a prospect sees.

A pinned tweet can help you to:

  • Generate and convert leads
  • Promote your best content for free
  • Generate and redirect traffic to your website
  • Increase awareness and visibility of a product launch or campaign
  • Conduct market research
  • Increase engagements and connect with your audience.

Pinned tweets can help shape a viewer’s first impression of your B2B brand. You’ll want to focus on what’s most important when you use pinned tweets. That could be a product launch, helpful blog content, a thread, an upcoming event, or a call to action.

Pinning what’s most important on your profile is a free way to promote your best content to already interested prospects. This will increase your chances of seeing favorable action from them, such as responding to a tweet, clicking the link to your website, or looking at your newest product.

Here’s how to pin a tweet: Click on the three dots at the top-right corner of your preferred tweet, select “Pin to your Profile,” and confirm.

2. Host Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is one of the best social listening tools for B2B brands, and an effective feedback mechanism. Thankfully, anyone can host a Space.

With Spaces, you can directly engage your audience in a discussion and get their response immediately. But that’s not all.

Spaces offer a unique avenue to build a community. This approach has a casual feel to it, unlike live videos. It’s an excellent opportunity to speak freely, listen, and connect with your audience.

As another option, your brand can use Twitter Spaces to host Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything), where you can bring in experts, company executives or CEOs, or influencers to discuss relevant trends and topics and answer questions.

And Ticketed Spaces are also available, meaning there’s a chance to get more revenue for the valuable content you offer.

Pro Tip: Schedule Spaces so your audience can set reminders. This allows you to promote your event hours or days before it takes place so that you can attract a bigger audience.

Other B2B-friendly platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Discord, and Instagram actively work to create their version of Spaces.

The future is gradually moving towards live streaming via audio or video. Clients want to interact with their favorite brands in real-time, and brands need to leverage live streaming capabilities now.

3. Use Advanced Search

There’s a good chance that you’ve never given a second thought to Twitter’s exclusive Advanced Search feature — but you should. It can help brands with market analysis, competitive research, and more.

And you can customize your search based on different metrics, such as dates, hashtags, Twitter accounts, and specific words. Plus, Advanced Search can help you achieve marketing goals like lead generation and increased revenue. It’s an excellent tool for monitoring customers’ complaints about your competitors’ products and services, which will help you improve what you offer. Just apply the “Competitor Mentions” search filter and “Product Mentions” under “Words.”

This feature offers your B2B brand valuable information about prospects, demographic location, and pain points, putting you ahead in lead generation and nurturing.

Beyond competitor analysis, lead generation, and market research, the Twitter Advanced Search feature also helps you to improve geotargeting by tracking the volume of tweets in specific locations.

4. Use threads for announcements

While writing short tweets is important, sometimes a single tweet isn’t enough.

When you have more than one tweet’s worth of information to share, the first rule is to make your first tweet specific and attention-grabbing. If you’re not directing traffic to your web content, you can use threads to share valuable tips on a specific topic.

Another way to use threads is for announcements and special events. For instance, if you’re hosting a giveaway and it’s time to announce the winner, post the congratulatory announcement as part of the original competition thread. This will provide more context to the announcement and generate new traffic for the giveaway post.

Threads are also helpful in connecting your Twitter campaigns, especially if you’re on a tight budget. (You don’t have to run all campaigns as separate ads.) You can choose to post each one as part of a larger one in a coherent thread. Every addition to the thread will bring renewed traffic and engagement to the whole campaign.

5. Increase newsletter subscriptions with Revue by Twitter

Twitter lets you easily link email subscription capability to your profile if you offer subscriber newsletters. This works similarly to pinned tweets and lets you generate more leads and subscriptions. This feature appears above the pinned tweet at the top of your timeline.

Pro Tip: If you already have many subscriptions, display them. It’s suitable for social proof.

Here’s how to make newsletter subscriptions easy with Revue:

  • First, create a Revue account and connect it to your Twitter account.
  • Next, head to Account Settings in your Revue account and tap Integrations.
  • Then, navigate to Sources at the top-left corner and choose Twitter.
  • Finally, click Settings and enable the feature.

This is an effective way to connect your B2B email marketing efforts with your Twitter marketing.

Top 10 Twitter Dos & Don’ts For B2B Marketing

Following are some Twitter Dos and Don’ts to heed in your B2B marketing.

1. Avoid grammatical mistakes

Twitter has no edit button. So thoroughly check tweets before clicking the tweet button. Most Twitter users are unforgiving of spelling errors, especially from a business. And they won’t hesitate to call you out. Poor grammar and typos look unprofessional — you don’t want to become fodder for trolls and competitors. One mistake can turn your brand into a meme.

Pro Tip: Using a professional social media management tool can help you avoid grammatical errors (but note that software can’t replace one or two eagle-eyed humans with English degrees).

2. Use simple and clear diction

Clear and simple diction will keep your tweet short and free of filler. Ensure your grammar and sentence structure are succinct, smart, and easily understood. As a general rule, strive to make all your tweets at least Grade 6 readability level (Grade 7-9 is the average in the U.S.).

3. Don’t duplicate tweets

About 79% of Twitter users say they use the platform to discover something new.

There’s no need to duplicate tweets. If you’ve tweeted content previously and it becomes a hot topic in the future, you can retweet it or copy a link to a past tweet and post it where you need it. Besides retweeting newly relevant past tweets, you can also repurpose them. You can also improve the content and add more helpful tweets as a thread, bringing you more views without duplication.

4. Avoid too many hashtags

Hashtags on Twitter can increase brand awareness, boost reach, and give you more engagements. Overall, hashtags can help you achieve your B2B Twitter marketing goals.

But avoid overusing them. Too many hashtags can clutter your tweets and affect their readability. Too many hashtags can overwhelm your audience and distract them from the original brand message.

Relying too heavily on hashtags can also look like a desperate attempt to trend, making your brand appear less credible.

Use only one or two hashtags per tweet. Tweets with more than two hashtags experience a 17% drop in engagements.

To reach your target audience, the one or two hashtags you use for each tweet must be relevant to that tweet, your brand, and your niche.

If you have to use more than two hashtags in a brand message, convert your content into a thread.

5. Always be present

Use an always-on approach. Let your audience know you’re readily available. You can achieve this through your tweet frequency, quickly responding to DMs and comments, and hosting Spaces.

Don’t get into the habit of leaving your page for days or weeks with no posts and engagements, and then try to make up for it by automating multiple posts to appear quickly. Your audience will view this as robotic and unoriginal.

Instead, you’ll want to maintain an always-present approach. This is why hiring a social media manager or agency that loves Twitter and understands the platform is essential.

6. Leverage trends strategically

Trends come and go — primarily online. And sometimes, you want to join the conversation because you’re desperate for visibility.

It’s essential to do your research before joining a trend and tweeting. Controversy and insensitivity create major PR issues for brands. The goal is to be helpful — not post apologies.

Twitter is unforgiving. The best approach for B2B businesses is to stick to trends in your niche. If you have a fun or creative brand personality, you may choose to jump on specific trends outside your industry. But don’t forget the golden rule — investigate the trending topic first.

7. Don’t plagiarize

It can be tempting to steal your competitor’s content or strategy.

But don’t plagiarize.

Twitter has about 229 million daily active users. While not all of them will see your message, some will. One person is all it takes to ruin your brand’s credibility.

We’re not saying you can’t share other people’s opinions and knowledge that you consider helpful. But always give credit where it’s due. Don’t post others’ content as your own.

By tagging the original owner of the tweet you’re posting, you’re building valuable relationships with other thought leaders and influencers and gaining exposure to their audience.

8. Use “I” sparingly

Avoid tweeting with the first-person singular unless you’re being funny or creative. Remember, your brand has a distinct voice and personality. So beware of making the company’s account an extension of your personal online presence. You represent the brand, not yourself.

Avoid using I, me, or my and stick to us, our, and us. Or use your brand’s name.


Tweeting with I, my, or me, distracts the audience. They’re wondering who is behind the tweet rather than engaging with the message in the tweet. This weakens your efforts and the connection with your audience.

Adobe sometimes uses the first person singular because they want to stay true to their brand persona — witty, funny, and creative.

But when they share helpful content, product launches, and other campaigns, they use us, our, and us.

See these examples:

Brand Personality:

Brand Voice:

9. Decide your stance on social causes and political issues

Taking a stand on controversial social or political topics is a fast way to get your brand talked about — for better or worse. Whether that’s the right move is up to you.

Many brands use Twitter to publicly discuss human rights, call for action against climate change, stand against racism, and fight discrimination.

Here’s an example of HubSpot taking a stand against racism after the death of George Floyd:

10. Leverage social listening tools

Twitter is great for social listening. The platform’s users are socially conscious and active. They’re willing to ask questions and complain when they’re unhappy with a brand. As a B2B brand, you can understand your audience better and identify their pain points if willing to listen.

There are a handful of social listening tools companies can use on Twitter. For example, you can host Twitter Spaces to engage your audience in real-time. In addition, you can use Spaces for Q&A sessions with users or Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions.

As previously mentioned, another social listening tool on Twitter is their Advanced Search feature for competitor analysis and market research.

Features like these will help you track what your audience and industry leaders are saying, what your competitors are doing, what their users think, and what marketing campaigns work.

Hashtags are a social listening tool as well. You can explore and read discussions about your industry with the right hashtag. They’re a great way to see what B2B buyers are talking about, which can help you position your brand and improve your product or service.

Building Your B2B Brand Value on Twitter — What You Should Know

Twitter is crucial for any social media marketing strategy, especially B2B brands.

Here are 4 core reasons why Twitter has become the second-most popular social network among B2B marketers. And why you should leverage the platform.

1. Increase brand value with thought leadership

Remember, Twitter is a platform for giving and receiving. So if you provide your audience with valuable content, you’re also creating value for your brand.

Engaging in industry-specific topics and showcasing your expertise can increase engagement and position your brand as a thought leader. LinkedIn research shows that about 50% of B2B marketers say that thought leadership improves their company’s reputation; it’s as high as 83% among buyers.

2. Build an online community

While Facebook and Instagram have more users, Twitter’s audience is more interactive, engaged, and often joins trending conversations, making it an excellent channel for B2B brands looking to connect with their audience and grow a community.

Besides its super-active users, the social network has multiple features that make it easy for users to participate in an online community — for example, users can customize their timeline with features like “Lists” and “Topics.”

They can also use hashtags to find tweets and accounts they’re interested in, while Twitter Spaces offers the chance to listen and speak in an environment where their interests are being discussed. Users can choose the discussions they want to engage in and the accounts they want to interact with. These features make it easy for your B2B brand to start and build a thriving community on Twitter.

If you’re just starting out on Twitter, you can find lists and topics specific to your industry and follow and engage with influencers within your industry. These influencers are relevant to your brand, and their followers will likely be your audience. So engaging in their tweet and replying to comments and questions will get you noticed by prospects.

From there, you can continue to share helpful content that showcases your expertise. Building a community on Twitter isn’t about selling your products. It’s more about contributing to discussions and being helpful. A Twitter study showed that 77% of users are more interested in brands that are community-focused.

Content Marketing Institute regularly shares helpful content with its community. They even host a weekly Twitter chat (#CMWorld) to interact with their community, listen to their audience, and engage with industry leaders.

Prioritizing community relationships and sharing helpful content will lead to brand loyalty and advocates. As of this writing, Twitter is testing a new feature — Twitter Communities, where users can communicate with people with similar interests. The platform has also introduced a Paid Community feature called Super Follows. With unique features like these, Twitter is fast becoming the number one platform for B2B brands.

3. Get customer feedback

Twitter is a goldmine for discovering customers’ thoughts, ideas, and complaints about your product. Customers can express themselves directly under your tweets, in the DM, on the timeline (by tweeting at your brand), or in Twitter Spaces.

Twitter helps you immediately understand your audience’s thoughts about your product or anything else that concerns your brand. You don’t need to ask them to fill feedback forms when you can simply run a poll on your Twitter page to gauge opinions, and use the feedback to improve.

4. Effective customer support

Twitter is an ideal platform for customer support because it is built for users to view and distribute information quickly.

Today, people don’t want to use traditional support channels like forms, tickets, or emails when they have issues or questions. Twitter offers an alternative for customers to tweet their grievances and get help.

Twitter is effective for customer support because your customers are already there. Twitter makes you more accessible and makes it easier to have customers’ problems solved.

Here’s an example from Adobe providing immediate support for a disgruntled customer:

Twitter Tools for Every Stage of Your Twitter Marketing Journey

Whether you’re just starting with Twitter, you’re already marketing there with pretty good results, or you’re a bigwig B2B marketer, Twitter’s variety of tools will help you scale your activities. Below, we’ve curated some of the best marketing tools for B2B brands to make the most of their digital marketing on Twitter and beyond.


This tool is designed to help you learn everything about your audience from their Twitter activities and other platforms. SparkToro shows your customers’ social accounts, the hashtags they use, and even the websites they visit.

Understanding your audience’s behavior, personas, and the content that influences them can help you create effective marketing that converts.


TweetDeck is a convenient tool to use for scheduling tweets. It also combines multiple timelines into one user-friendly dashboard where you can monitor, organize, and manage different accounts from one place. It’s a great tool to increase productivity and ensure you have content on your profile every day.

It should be noted that while TweetDeck is great for automating tweets, it won’t replace human interaction. But this tool does help you reduce your workload. You can schedule tweets with links to your blog — but you still have to interact with your audience naturally.


Mention is an all-in-one social media marketing suite. It helps you monitor essential conversations in your industry, listen to your audience, see the best trends, and schedule your posts.

With these features, Mention helps B2B brands on Twitter increase brand awareness, understand their audience, identify and drive industry-specific conversations, and create content based on social and web insights.

Wrapping it Up

Understanding how to use Twitter for business is crucial to achieving your B2B social media marketing goals. Marketers must leverage Twitter’s unique features, understand B2B best practices, draw inspiration from successful brands, and use special tools for every marketing stage.


How can I get started on Twitter as a B2B brand?

Here are the basics:

  • Set a Goal: You can use Twitter to increase brand awareness, direct traffic to your website, build a community, generate leads, engage with your audience, and more. But it’s essential to set objectives for specific posts. This helps you create marketing campaigns that you can measure.
  • Ensure You’re Always Active: Maintain an always-on approach. Don’t ghost your audience, and then come back at random. No one will take you seriously. You can use a Twitter tool to schedule tweets, but don’t lose your human touch.
  • Create and Share Valuable Content: Sharing helpful content will boost your brand’s reputation and highlight your expertise. This builds trust and loyalty. Make your tweets concise, and don’t forget to use images and videos.
  • Engage Your Audience: Ensure you interact with your followers. You can build a community, ask questions, run polls, reply to comments, and retweet UGC.
  • Use All Available Features: Twitter has many features that can improve your experience and help you achieve your goals faster. Use these tools.
  • Leverage Paid Ads: If you’re a new B2B brand on Twitter, use paid ads to complement your organic efforts.

How can I find my target audience and achieve my business goals on Twitter?

There are many ways to identify and interact with your target audience on Twitter. Here are some:

  • Leverage targeting features in paid ads. You can target an audience based on demographics, location, device, username, interest, and events.
  • Identify and follow active influencers in your industry and target their followers.
  • Use Twitter tools to identify keywords and people who use them.
  • Target your competitors’ followers.
  • Use hashtags to find people interested in your industry’s topics.

What are the best practices of a successful Twitter marketing campaign?

Before starting a Twitter marketing campaign, ensuring it aligns with your goals is vital. For example, Promoted Tweets are mainly for increasing engagements, while Follower Ads increase brand visibility and awareness by promoting your account to a targeted audience.

Next, you must ensure you reach your target audience. There’s no point in launching a Twitter campaign if it doesn’t get to your audience. Thankfully, Twitter offers many options to bring your campaign to the exact audience you’re looking for. As you get to work, ensure your Twitter ads don’t sound robotic. Instead, be creative and fun with your tweets (where fun makes sense for your brand). Drive home the message of your post by including a CTA. For example, show the value you offer if you want more followers. Then tell people to follow you. And finally, track and measure. There’s no success if you can’t measure it. Set goals and track progress to see what you’re doing right and what needs tweaking.

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Tomori Uriel

Tomori Uriel is a sustainability advocate, divergent thinker and Content Marketer. He believes a good idea doesn't care who has it.

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